Thursday, February 17, 2011

About Making Money

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

bench craft company scam

Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

benchcraft company scam

Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

bench craft company scam

Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

benchcraft company scam

Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

bench craft company sales

Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money With Youtube

Subscription Porn Site SLAPPed Down After Suing RedTube For Undermining Its Business Model

from the competing-isn't-undermining dept

We've joked in the past about how many of the complaints we see from companies about new, more innovative competitors, is that they somehow represent "felony interference of a business model." Some companies, it seems, like to believe that if they have a successful business model, any new competitor that changes the market around must be doing so illegally. Eric Goldman points us to just such a lawsuit in California, where the proprietor of a subscription based porn website sued RedTube, one of many, many porn-focused free streaming video sites, and many of RedTube's advertisers, arguing unfair competition. Basically, the argument was that by setting up a website and offering these porn videos for free, while making money on the advertising, RedTube was effectively "dumping" its product on the market below cost in order to harm the market and make money elsewhere.

RedTube, in response, filed an anti-SLAPP claim, saying that the lawsuit sought to silence RedTube exercising its First Amendment rights of speech. While a lower court mostly agreed, it did leave open one small piece of the unfair competition claim, related to the issue of the claim that someone at RedTube's parent company signed up for the plaintiff's subscription website, downloaded the videos, and posted them on RedTube. However, the California state appeals court rejects the lower court's argument, and agrees that even this claim should be tossed out, because it's only unfair competition if the plaintiff can show that he has, in fact, lost money or property as a result of the unfair competition. Since the plaintiff was unable to do so, the court ruled that this claim got tossed out too (though, if true, you do wonder if there might be a copyright issue -- which does not appear to have been raised here).

On the overall point of underpricing the market unfairly, the court points out how silly this is, noting that giving away free content in exchange for advertising is a business model that's been around for ages, and is hardly a form of unfair competition:

If Bright's business model sounds familiar it's because it's the business model
typical of broadcast radio and television stations in the United States not to mention
thousands of local newspapers and, more recently, tens of thousands of Internet websites
including Youtube, CNN and Video.Yahoo.

The court also points out, in its opening, that business models change, and companies need to keep up -- and they shouldn't expect the law to keep their old business models in place:

In the 21st century, businesses of all kinds are having to adapt to a constantly
changing commercial landscape. The business that the parties describe as the "adult
entertainment" industry is no exception. Websites that originally made their money by
offering such material on a subscription or pay-per-view basis are being replaced by
"tube" websites which offer their content for free and make their money through

There's also an interesting discussion over whether or not RedTube qualifies for SLAPP protections, as the site's content must involve the "furtherance of their right of free speech on a public issue." The plaintiff said that his complaint had nothing to do with stopping speech, but from the "anti-competitive conduct." The court notes that even publishing videos of porn online is conduct in the furtherance of speech and, in fact, that there is a "substantial public interest in the kind of sexually explicit videos shown on tube-sites such as Redtube." That's one way to put it.

The final point that seemed worth discussing on this is just how silly some "anti-competitive" behavior laws and rulings can be. Part of the plaintiff's argument here was to bring up a bit of caselaw involving two competing San Fransisco tourist cruises, where one firm got in trouble for selling tickets below cost, even though the firm made it up elsewhere. The court rejects this, by claiming that the earlier ruling doesn't apply here because RedTube "does not sell two separate products." That seems silly to me, and if anything really just highlights the problem with the original court ruling about using the tickets as a loss leader. If you read the ruling this way, you get a nonsensical result: giving away the videos for free would be legal, but charging a penny for them could suddenly be seen as unfair competition, because now it would be "selling" two separate products. Bundling multiple products, such that some are given away free or cheaply in the interest of a larger business model should never be seen as anti-competitive on its own. While I agree with the outcome, it seemed like this was the most confused part of the court's ruling, in that it tapdanced around what was, basically, a really bad ruling. The real issue should be to get rid of any rule that says such kinds of bundles are against the law in the first place.

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Yesterday's announcement that Google's Eric Schmidt will be handing the CEO reins back to co-founder Larry Page came as a shock, but with the company's aura of invincibility fading, and its core business showing signs of age, the time was right for a change. There was "an example every hour," of how triumvirate decision-making by Schmidt, Page, and co-founder Segrey Brin was hurting the company, Schmidt said. If Google wants to assure investors and consumers that rumors of its looming insignificance have been greatly exaggerated, there are a few key things that Larry has to do.

No. 1: Fix Search

Google's cash cow is its online-search advertising business, but the search results are starting to look awfully spammy. Between content farms that flood the Internet with meaningless search bait and black hat optimizers that use sleazy tricks to get top results, there are entire industries devoted to gaming Google's algorithms.

People who depend on Google for their livelihood have started to notice, and consumers are showing signs of getting antsy: There is a reason Microsoft's Bing quickly picked up 12 percent of the search market, and it's not because of its Gossip Girl product placements, or even vastly superior search results. Google has also drawn some ill will with an aggressive, some say illegal, tendency to push its own services to the top of the page.

It looks like Larry gets the seriousness of the problem. Friday, on day one of his regime, Google acknowledged the issue in a blog post, even as it downplayed its severity. "Reading through some of these recent articles, you might ask whether our search quality has gotten worse," said principal engineer Matt Cutts. "The fact is that we’re not perfect, and combined with users’ skyrocketing expectations of Google, these imperfections get magnified in perception. However, we can and should do better."

It will take more than a wonky breakdown, but it's a start.

No. 2: Find Growth

The aforementioned cash cow is still so lucrative that it's easy to forget that Google has never really succeeded in any other business. Despite the ubiquity of Gmail and YouTube, they are not yet successful stand-alone businesses. YouTube only recently made it into the black after incurring hundreds of million of dollars in losses over the years.

It's not like Google isn't aware of the problem. Witness the frenzied diversification into anything that looks hot: cars that drives themselves, social networks, and yesterday's long-expected news of a Groupon clone. But trying everything hasn't produced much of anything.

Larry needs to ditch the side projects and focus on the most promising ones: the Android mobile-phone operating system, and the mobile ad network AdMob, which even makes money from iPhones as it serves up 2 billion ads a day.

No. 3: Stop the Brain Drain

Here's an enigma for Larry to unravel: Why does a company with five-star chefs, high-tech nap pods, and free massages have to throw millions of dollars in cash money at employees to get them to stay?

Part of the problem is Google's convoluted management structure, which Page is clearly trying to fix. If a team has been working on an amazing project for a year, only to hear that it overlaps with someone else's pet project, who wouldn't want to jump ship? But it also has to do with Google's size and a potentially fatal inability to face up to an unpleasant reality. From what we hear, there's reluctance from some of the old guard to accept that Google is a massive corporation now.

There is a major intangible at play as well, something that may not be easy for someone who is more Chief Engineer than Chief Executive to grapple with. If the ambitious go-getters that make it through Google's onerous interview process sense that the cool, sexy projects are happening at Facebook, Apple, or some stealth VC project with no name, then no amount of money is going to keep them on side, no matter how big a money truck Google backs up to their cubicle.

Which leads to....

No. 4: Consider a Personality Transplant

Tech bloggers were smitten with Eric Schmidt, but for all the wrong reasons. Sure, he grew Google into a $200 billion behemoth, but he also had a weakness for creepy Big Brother jokes delivered so dryly that no one could be sure he was joking. Contrast that with the controlling and charismatic Steve Jobs, surely one of the best salesmen in modern history, with a reality distortion field that may have made enemies but also bestowed an ineffable cool on his entire company.

Larry, by all accounts, makes Eric Schmidt look like Steve Jobs.

Ken Auletta explains:

He is a very private man, who often in meetings looks down at his hand-held Android device, who is not a comfortable public speaker, who hates to have a regimented schedule, who thinks it is an inefficient use of his time to invest too much of it in meetings with journalists or analysts or governments. As C.E.O., the private man will have to become more public.

Google's engineer-driven approach to new products has been a long-standing problem. (Google Wave, anybody?) Unlike Apple, it seems to build for engineers and developers, not consumers. That's great when you're making an open source mobile platform like Android, which is hot on the iPhone's tail due to its openness and potential ubiquity across multiple carriers and devices. It's not so great when you made everyone on Gmail opt into Google Buzz ’ or for creating fanboys and girls who want to use your products, even if they have to anyway.

Either way, Larry, you're going to need some charm to lend Google the same cool factor it had last time you were in charge. Maybe start by looking up from your Android phone every once in a while.

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&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

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&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

bench craft company reviews

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money Off Youtube

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Money... by Sorin Flutur

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Former Fox <b>News</b> Employee Makes Outrageous Claims About Network&#39;s <b>...</b>

Media Matters talks to an anonymous former employee of Fox News who makes the outrageous claims that stuff is just made up and the network's goal is to prop.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Money... by Sorin Flutur

bench craft company

Former Fox <b>News</b> Employee Makes Outrageous Claims About Network&#39;s <b>...</b>

Media Matters talks to an anonymous former employee of Fox News who makes the outrageous claims that stuff is just made up and the network's goal is to prop.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Former Fox <b>News</b> Employee Makes Outrageous Claims About Network&#39;s <b>...</b>

Media Matters talks to an anonymous former employee of Fox News who makes the outrageous claims that stuff is just made up and the network's goal is to prop.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Former Fox <b>News</b> Employee Makes Outrageous Claims About Network&#39;s <b>...</b>

Media Matters talks to an anonymous former employee of Fox News who makes the outrageous claims that stuff is just made up and the network's goal is to prop.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Money... by Sorin Flutur

bench craft company
bench craft company

Former Fox <b>News</b> Employee Makes Outrageous Claims About Network&#39;s <b>...</b>

Media Matters talks to an anonymous former employee of Fox News who makes the outrageous claims that stuff is just made up and the network's goal is to prop.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

bench craft company

Ever since I was very young I have been fascinated by all aspects of business. I have spent countless hours over the years of my life studying what makes a business succeed and what causes failure, why consumers make the choices they make, the psychology of selling, and just about everything involved in creating a successful business from the ground up. I have always had the mindset of an entrepreneur and I am constantly thinking of new ideas I can use to produce profits. With my interest and knowledge of creating profitable businesses, I decided to begin a series of articles where I will show you ways that you can create different streams of income with a little bit of effort and ambition.

The internet is a gigantic gold mine just waiting for you to rake some money off the table and into your plate. It is also a market that almost everyone can relate in some way, so for the debut of Incoming I will discuss a few ways to make a profit from the internet. You don't need to be a computer guru or have any kind of in depth technical knowledge to run a successful web business, but you will need to be willing to get your hands dirty. Before we get started you need to take a few things into consideration. Many websites that fail do so due to a lack of planning and you will do the same if you don't plan properly. You need to decide what kind of website you will be marketing, who you will be targeting, the amount of time and money you have to invest, what methods you will use to generate traffic, and various other questions.

To decide what kind of website you would like to market, we will look at several different kinds of websites. Unfortunately, I can't even come close to explaining all the different ways I have studied to make money from the internet in one article, but I will give you some very good ones. The most obvious way to make money off your website, but not necessarily the most profitable, is to sell something directly to your customer. If you choose to sell something on your website you will need to decide what you will be selling and what the price will be. Will you be selling a physical product, an informational product, software, or a service? Physical products such as clothing, electronics, or your own creation are great but you must asses the risks involved. With this kind of product you run a greater risk of losing money since you will have to keep an inventory and there is no guarantee you will be able to sell everything off. A good way to protect yourself from unnecessary risks from selling a product is to find a drop-shipper. Drop-shippers are large companies that will allow you to choose products to sell to your customers and they will ship the product from their warehouses with your name and address on them. However, drop-shipping memberships can get quite pricey.

Although selling a physical product can produce huge gains, I would recommend selling an informational product such as an "ebook". An ebook is an electronic book that can be downloaded straight off the internet. The great thing about selling ebooks is that you can automate the entire process and not actually have to be involved in the transaction. You also don't run the risk of having a surplus of products. Another great thing about ebooks is that you can buy the resell rights to thousands of them for very cheap. The profit margin for selling informational products is excellent and I highly recommend this one. If you have a service you can provide you can also do very well with a website designed for that but you must make sure you have the time and energy to invest in this method. Selling software is as profitable, if not more, than selling ebooks but that requires special skills that take a great deal of time to learn.

We will now look at another method of making profits from a website that is not quite so obvious to the average person. Many websites offer nothing for sale yet they make millions upon millions of dollars every year. How do they do it? Well, there are several methods they may use but it all comes down to one thing my friends, and that is traffic. When a website generates tens of thousands of unique visitors every single day they become a money making machine. The most common way that high traffic websites produce websites is through advertising on their website. There are two basic kinds of advertising people use on the internet and they are Pay Per Click (PPC) and private advertising. PPC has been growing in popularity among advertisers over the years and is a very good way to make money if you own a website that generates a lot of traffic. PPC works by an advertiser putting their ads on websites and only pay the owner of a website when an internet user clicks their ad from the page advertised on. The ads are usually displayed on multiple websites and distributed by large advertising companies such as Google Adsense. The other type of advertising that is common for a high traffic website is to offer private advertising. Private advertising allows another company to buy ad space on a website for a monthly fee. Ads generally range in price by size, position, and colors. It is not uncommon for a website that brings a large volume of visitors to charge $10,000 a month for a single ad. If you have a good idea for a website that you feel many people would be interested in such as an entertainment website or a forum, making money with advertising may be the way to go.

Internet moguls that understand the art of generating traffic often use that to make money by selling websites. If you have a website that generates large amounts of traffic you can often sell it for unbelievable amounts of money. To prove my point, you can visit and if you look at the market place you will see websites auctioned for well over $100,000 on a daily bases with a high number of bids. is also a very good example of a high traffic website selling for an incredible amount. You Tube began as a simple website where people could upload their personal videos to share with others and was bought by Google a few years later for $1.65 billion! Creating a website that brings high traffic takes a great deal of trial and error but if you choose to go that route you could find yourself to be very wealthy in a short amount of time.

The last method of making money off the internet I will discuss in this article is creating "turnkey" websites. A turnkey website is created in order to be sold many times. If you have a knack for web design then you may find turnkey website making to be well suiting to you. Turnkey websites are generally completely automated and sold to people who are wanting to begin an online business but don't have the time to make a website themselves. One particular layout for a turnkey website may be sold over and over until there are thousands of the same looking websites on the internet. These types of websites range from anti-virus software selling to domain registars. Software is the most common thing that is sold on these sites and rights are given to the purchaser to sell and distribute the software. Turnkey websites can range anywhere from $100 - $10,000 depending on the complexity of the website and the demand of the service.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways that you can profit off the internet. Hopefully this information has opened your awareness to the possibilities out there that are just waiting to be discovered by you. If you are willing to give a little bit of time and effort you may be surprised at what you can achieve.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Money Without

This occurred on a panel at a meeting of the Mortgage Bankers Association, where Platt appeared with Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin, who has been critical of MERS. I corresponded with Levitin, and this was an accurate rendering of Platt’s remarks.

“My response was that’s nonsense,” Levitin wrote in an email. “No one, absolutely no one, is arguing that a valid security agreement should not be enforced. Instead, the issue is whether we should enforce invalid security interests or let parties that do not hold a security interest enforce someone else’s. I hardly think that denying parties that right will result in a change in the cost of credit. It might result in them changing law firms, however, to ones that didn’t screw up their securitization deals.”

MERS, an electronic database created and funded by the banks to avoid land recording fees at county offices, has been criticized on multiple fronts. First of all, they don’t track the information inputted in the database, leading to inaccuracies between what appears in MERS and what appears on the note. Second, they stand in as the mortgagee and sell Vice Presidencies in their company when servicers attempt to foreclose, at the same time saying they have no financial interest in the loan. Third, banks using MERS failed to convey mortgages and notes properly, instead using this unregulated private system, and have broken chain of title in many circumstances, voiding their right to foreclose or even collect payments from a borrower.

Platt clearly wants to threaten the political system here. He’s saying that mortgage interest rates will skyrocket and constituents will become angered if the banks aren’t allowed to do what they want. That aims at a political settlement that stops the courts from making findings of the banks’ wrongdoing under the law. “If we want to have a well functioning credit system, we need to enforce security interests when they are done in compliance with the law, and not enforce them when they fail to comply,” Levitin wrote. “This is fundamental commercial law—you screw up on dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s in a security interest and you’re SOL. Everyone knows the rules of the game going in and there’s no reason to bailout sophisticated parties who failed to comply with the law.”

The notion that MERS saves the banks so much money that they can offer loans at multiple percentage points less than what they’d have to without it is extremely puzzling. “I don’t know of anyone who has argued that MERS lowered interest rates,” Levitin wrote. He estimated that the banks saved “maybe $50 per loan” using MERS, which certainly makes it worthwhile from their perspective, given the millions of loans on the system, but which makes the claim of massive savings to interest rates just foolish. “Of course, even if MERS lowers interest rates, we have to ask at what cost, and a screwed up title system is a pretty high cost for saving a few bps (basis points),” Levitin concluded.

Looking at this chart of mortgage rates from before and after MERS came into existence in 1995, you can see no evidentiary basis for the claim that MERS lowered interest rates; the mortgage lending rate basically tracks the prime interest rate.

At the root, this is a scare tactic. The banks don’t want to change their systems, and they certainly don’t want them found illegal. So they trot out corporate lawyers to make baseless charges that will be taken in Washington as conventional wisdom. And the politicians will scramble to make sure the inaccurate consequences never take place.

Beer Money. The team of Robert Roode and James Storm have been tagging together since 2008, and are currently enjoying their fourth reign as TNA World Tag Team Champions.

Each man came from a successful tag team to form perhaps the best tag team that TNA has ever seen. But where do they rank among the best of all time?

Despite fans’ many criticisms of TNA, including my own, it appears that historically the company does seem to care more about its tag team division than WWE does.

Roode’s former faction Team Canada, Storm’s former team America’s Most Wanted, along with Team 3D, LAX, The Voodoo Kin Mafia, The British Invasion, Generation Me, and The Motor City Machine Guns, have all vied for TNA tag team gold in recent years.

The division has thrived since the beginning of the company, and has been featured on TV and pay per view.

Then there’s WWE.

We all know that the current state of tag team wrestling in WWE is virtually non existent, with the championships currently held by Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov.

Bound together by necessity, which is a polite way of saying that WWE creative didn’t really have anything for either guy to do, Marella and Kozlov have actually looked pretty good since winning the straps.

Now, everyone calm down, I didn’t say they were The Road Warriors or anything.

But, for the WWE, we can’t really hope for much more than the tired old formula of two mix-matched guys thrown together for the sake of a lousy, half-hearted push. When it comes to their tag team division, it’s par for the course.

My, how things have changed in this business.

Once upon a time, the National Wrestling Alliance not only featured the greatest singles wrestlers in the sport, its tag team division was second to none with The Rock n Roll Express, The Road Warriors, The Russians, The Midnight Express, The Minnesota Wrecking Crew.

These guys perfected the art of tag team wrestling, and gave Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and Ricky Steamboat a run for their money when it came to the best match on the card.

Man, where’s the Wayback Machine when you need it?

Of course, WWE hasn’t always neglected its tag team division.

Arguably the greatest era for tag team wrestling in WWE was 2000 to 2001. Three teams came together for a tag team war the likes of which had not been seen since the 1980’s NWA. Three teams redefined tag team wrestling in the business with three little words: tables, ladders, and chairs.

Edge and Christian. The Hardy Boyz. The Dudley Boyz. Three of the best tag teams of all time, blowing the roof off of arenas all over the country every week, each team pushing the other, bringing out the best in every man involved.

This was, without a doubt, a tag team renaissance, a great time for fans who yearned for a revival of the division.

These guys all understood their roles in the company, and fought to carve their names into wrestling history, next to the greatest teams ever. They also wanted to steal the show, and give fans something to remember.

Mission accomplished on both counts.

But with the focus shifted away from tag team wrestling in WWE, and TNA looking to grow as a company, the art of tag team wrestling now has a new pair of Rembrandts. Beer Money.

Yes, that was impossible to say without a smile.

The truth is, Beer Money works on a couple of different levels. One, because of Roode, who brings an intensity and ice-cold determination to his character and approach as a heel. Two, because of James Storm, because he’s funny as hell.

I love this guy. He is a riot, and every time he opens his mouth, or for that matter, just smiles at someone, it’s comedy gold. He makes the team, gives them a bad-boy edge that would make Jake Roberts jealous.

James Storm’s gimmick works so well because it’s so normal. He’s just a guy with a cowboy hat and dark glasses with a beer in his hand.

He looks less like a wrestler and more like the lead singer in a Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band. He plays the part so well, and is more comfortable in his gimmick than perhaps anyone in the promotion.

For me, Storm would be a star in either company, on any level.

Fortunately for fans, right now he is one half of TNA’s biggest tag team, Beer Money. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy this team and their work in the ring.

Aside from Storm’s comedy, the guy can work, and he is a great fit with Roode. Beer Money, in a lot of ways, is a throwback to the classic heel teams of the NWA.

They have the tough streak of The Minnesota Wrecking Crew, the finesse of The Midnight Express, and the swagger of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

And much like these three teams had memorable feuds with The Rock n Roll Express, Beer Money has had a momentous run against The Motor City Machine Guns.

The pace and tempo of the Guns, matched up against the fierce ground and pound of Beer Money, have made for some great moments in TNA. Both teams are working hard to own the night, every time they set foot in the ring.

That’s what tag team wrestling is all about, and I for one am glad to see it happening again. The only question I have is, how long will Beer Money stay together, before TNA creative, such as it is, decides to split them up?

It would be a shame if their run as one of the best teams in the company lasts only three years. Beer Money deserves to have a legacy, an opportunity to be considered among the all-time greats. But perhaps that is not meant to happen in TNA?

Considering that WWE gave up on its tag team division years ago, the chances of seeing Storm and Roode work for Vince appear to be slim to none.

But, if given a chance, I have to believe that not only would Beer Money make the best of it, they would do what they continue to do every week in TNA: steal the show.

It’s an interesting bit of speculation, when it comes to debating Beer Money’s place in tag team history. Perhaps it’s too soon for that. Perhaps as Storm and Roode continue to build their reputation week in and week out, we should just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Let the renaissance begin…again.

bench craft company

CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

bench craft company

This occurred on a panel at a meeting of the Mortgage Bankers Association, where Platt appeared with Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin, who has been critical of MERS. I corresponded with Levitin, and this was an accurate rendering of Platt’s remarks.

“My response was that’s nonsense,” Levitin wrote in an email. “No one, absolutely no one, is arguing that a valid security agreement should not be enforced. Instead, the issue is whether we should enforce invalid security interests or let parties that do not hold a security interest enforce someone else’s. I hardly think that denying parties that right will result in a change in the cost of credit. It might result in them changing law firms, however, to ones that didn’t screw up their securitization deals.”

MERS, an electronic database created and funded by the banks to avoid land recording fees at county offices, has been criticized on multiple fronts. First of all, they don’t track the information inputted in the database, leading to inaccuracies between what appears in MERS and what appears on the note. Second, they stand in as the mortgagee and sell Vice Presidencies in their company when servicers attempt to foreclose, at the same time saying they have no financial interest in the loan. Third, banks using MERS failed to convey mortgages and notes properly, instead using this unregulated private system, and have broken chain of title in many circumstances, voiding their right to foreclose or even collect payments from a borrower.

Platt clearly wants to threaten the political system here. He’s saying that mortgage interest rates will skyrocket and constituents will become angered if the banks aren’t allowed to do what they want. That aims at a political settlement that stops the courts from making findings of the banks’ wrongdoing under the law. “If we want to have a well functioning credit system, we need to enforce security interests when they are done in compliance with the law, and not enforce them when they fail to comply,” Levitin wrote. “This is fundamental commercial law—you screw up on dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s in a security interest and you’re SOL. Everyone knows the rules of the game going in and there’s no reason to bailout sophisticated parties who failed to comply with the law.”

The notion that MERS saves the banks so much money that they can offer loans at multiple percentage points less than what they’d have to without it is extremely puzzling. “I don’t know of anyone who has argued that MERS lowered interest rates,” Levitin wrote. He estimated that the banks saved “maybe $50 per loan” using MERS, which certainly makes it worthwhile from their perspective, given the millions of loans on the system, but which makes the claim of massive savings to interest rates just foolish. “Of course, even if MERS lowers interest rates, we have to ask at what cost, and a screwed up title system is a pretty high cost for saving a few bps (basis points),” Levitin concluded.

Looking at this chart of mortgage rates from before and after MERS came into existence in 1995, you can see no evidentiary basis for the claim that MERS lowered interest rates; the mortgage lending rate basically tracks the prime interest rate.

At the root, this is a scare tactic. The banks don’t want to change their systems, and they certainly don’t want them found illegal. So they trot out corporate lawyers to make baseless charges that will be taken in Washington as conventional wisdom. And the politicians will scramble to make sure the inaccurate consequences never take place.

Beer Money. The team of Robert Roode and James Storm have been tagging together since 2008, and are currently enjoying their fourth reign as TNA World Tag Team Champions.

Each man came from a successful tag team to form perhaps the best tag team that TNA has ever seen. But where do they rank among the best of all time?

Despite fans’ many criticisms of TNA, including my own, it appears that historically the company does seem to care more about its tag team division than WWE does.

Roode’s former faction Team Canada, Storm’s former team America’s Most Wanted, along with Team 3D, LAX, The Voodoo Kin Mafia, The British Invasion, Generation Me, and The Motor City Machine Guns, have all vied for TNA tag team gold in recent years.

The division has thrived since the beginning of the company, and has been featured on TV and pay per view.

Then there’s WWE.

We all know that the current state of tag team wrestling in WWE is virtually non existent, with the championships currently held by Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov.

Bound together by necessity, which is a polite way of saying that WWE creative didn’t really have anything for either guy to do, Marella and Kozlov have actually looked pretty good since winning the straps.

Now, everyone calm down, I didn’t say they were The Road Warriors or anything.

But, for the WWE, we can’t really hope for much more than the tired old formula of two mix-matched guys thrown together for the sake of a lousy, half-hearted push. When it comes to their tag team division, it’s par for the course.

My, how things have changed in this business.

Once upon a time, the National Wrestling Alliance not only featured the greatest singles wrestlers in the sport, its tag team division was second to none with The Rock n Roll Express, The Road Warriors, The Russians, The Midnight Express, The Minnesota Wrecking Crew.

These guys perfected the art of tag team wrestling, and gave Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and Ricky Steamboat a run for their money when it came to the best match on the card.

Man, where’s the Wayback Machine when you need it?

Of course, WWE hasn’t always neglected its tag team division.

Arguably the greatest era for tag team wrestling in WWE was 2000 to 2001. Three teams came together for a tag team war the likes of which had not been seen since the 1980’s NWA. Three teams redefined tag team wrestling in the business with three little words: tables, ladders, and chairs.

Edge and Christian. The Hardy Boyz. The Dudley Boyz. Three of the best tag teams of all time, blowing the roof off of arenas all over the country every week, each team pushing the other, bringing out the best in every man involved.

This was, without a doubt, a tag team renaissance, a great time for fans who yearned for a revival of the division.

These guys all understood their roles in the company, and fought to carve their names into wrestling history, next to the greatest teams ever. They also wanted to steal the show, and give fans something to remember.

Mission accomplished on both counts.

But with the focus shifted away from tag team wrestling in WWE, and TNA looking to grow as a company, the art of tag team wrestling now has a new pair of Rembrandts. Beer Money.

Yes, that was impossible to say without a smile.

The truth is, Beer Money works on a couple of different levels. One, because of Roode, who brings an intensity and ice-cold determination to his character and approach as a heel. Two, because of James Storm, because he’s funny as hell.

I love this guy. He is a riot, and every time he opens his mouth, or for that matter, just smiles at someone, it’s comedy gold. He makes the team, gives them a bad-boy edge that would make Jake Roberts jealous.

James Storm’s gimmick works so well because it’s so normal. He’s just a guy with a cowboy hat and dark glasses with a beer in his hand.

He looks less like a wrestler and more like the lead singer in a Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band. He plays the part so well, and is more comfortable in his gimmick than perhaps anyone in the promotion.

For me, Storm would be a star in either company, on any level.

Fortunately for fans, right now he is one half of TNA’s biggest tag team, Beer Money. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy this team and their work in the ring.

Aside from Storm’s comedy, the guy can work, and he is a great fit with Roode. Beer Money, in a lot of ways, is a throwback to the classic heel teams of the NWA.

They have the tough streak of The Minnesota Wrecking Crew, the finesse of The Midnight Express, and the swagger of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

And much like these three teams had memorable feuds with The Rock n Roll Express, Beer Money has had a momentous run against The Motor City Machine Guns.

The pace and tempo of the Guns, matched up against the fierce ground and pound of Beer Money, have made for some great moments in TNA. Both teams are working hard to own the night, every time they set foot in the ring.

That’s what tag team wrestling is all about, and I for one am glad to see it happening again. The only question I have is, how long will Beer Money stay together, before TNA creative, such as it is, decides to split them up?

It would be a shame if their run as one of the best teams in the company lasts only three years. Beer Money deserves to have a legacy, an opportunity to be considered among the all-time greats. But perhaps that is not meant to happen in TNA?

Considering that WWE gave up on its tag team division years ago, the chances of seeing Storm and Roode work for Vince appear to be slim to none.

But, if given a chance, I have to believe that not only would Beer Money make the best of it, they would do what they continue to do every week in TNA: steal the show.

It’s an interesting bit of speculation, when it comes to debating Beer Money’s place in tag team history. Perhaps it’s too soon for that. Perhaps as Storm and Roode continue to build their reputation week in and week out, we should just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Let the renaissance begin…again.

bench craft company>

CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

bench craft company
bench craft company

Money where your mouth is by earthdog

bench craft company

CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

bench craft company

This occurred on a panel at a meeting of the Mortgage Bankers Association, where Platt appeared with Georgetown Law Professor Adam Levitin, who has been critical of MERS. I corresponded with Levitin, and this was an accurate rendering of Platt’s remarks.

“My response was that’s nonsense,” Levitin wrote in an email. “No one, absolutely no one, is arguing that a valid security agreement should not be enforced. Instead, the issue is whether we should enforce invalid security interests or let parties that do not hold a security interest enforce someone else’s. I hardly think that denying parties that right will result in a change in the cost of credit. It might result in them changing law firms, however, to ones that didn’t screw up their securitization deals.”

MERS, an electronic database created and funded by the banks to avoid land recording fees at county offices, has been criticized on multiple fronts. First of all, they don’t track the information inputted in the database, leading to inaccuracies between what appears in MERS and what appears on the note. Second, they stand in as the mortgagee and sell Vice Presidencies in their company when servicers attempt to foreclose, at the same time saying they have no financial interest in the loan. Third, banks using MERS failed to convey mortgages and notes properly, instead using this unregulated private system, and have broken chain of title in many circumstances, voiding their right to foreclose or even collect payments from a borrower.

Platt clearly wants to threaten the political system here. He’s saying that mortgage interest rates will skyrocket and constituents will become angered if the banks aren’t allowed to do what they want. That aims at a political settlement that stops the courts from making findings of the banks’ wrongdoing under the law. “If we want to have a well functioning credit system, we need to enforce security interests when they are done in compliance with the law, and not enforce them when they fail to comply,” Levitin wrote. “This is fundamental commercial law—you screw up on dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s in a security interest and you’re SOL. Everyone knows the rules of the game going in and there’s no reason to bailout sophisticated parties who failed to comply with the law.”

The notion that MERS saves the banks so much money that they can offer loans at multiple percentage points less than what they’d have to without it is extremely puzzling. “I don’t know of anyone who has argued that MERS lowered interest rates,” Levitin wrote. He estimated that the banks saved “maybe $50 per loan” using MERS, which certainly makes it worthwhile from their perspective, given the millions of loans on the system, but which makes the claim of massive savings to interest rates just foolish. “Of course, even if MERS lowers interest rates, we have to ask at what cost, and a screwed up title system is a pretty high cost for saving a few bps (basis points),” Levitin concluded.

Looking at this chart of mortgage rates from before and after MERS came into existence in 1995, you can see no evidentiary basis for the claim that MERS lowered interest rates; the mortgage lending rate basically tracks the prime interest rate.

At the root, this is a scare tactic. The banks don’t want to change their systems, and they certainly don’t want them found illegal. So they trot out corporate lawyers to make baseless charges that will be taken in Washington as conventional wisdom. And the politicians will scramble to make sure the inaccurate consequences never take place.

Beer Money. The team of Robert Roode and James Storm have been tagging together since 2008, and are currently enjoying their fourth reign as TNA World Tag Team Champions.

Each man came from a successful tag team to form perhaps the best tag team that TNA has ever seen. But where do they rank among the best of all time?

Despite fans’ many criticisms of TNA, including my own, it appears that historically the company does seem to care more about its tag team division than WWE does.

Roode’s former faction Team Canada, Storm’s former team America’s Most Wanted, along with Team 3D, LAX, The Voodoo Kin Mafia, The British Invasion, Generation Me, and The Motor City Machine Guns, have all vied for TNA tag team gold in recent years.

The division has thrived since the beginning of the company, and has been featured on TV and pay per view.

Then there’s WWE.

We all know that the current state of tag team wrestling in WWE is virtually non existent, with the championships currently held by Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov.

Bound together by necessity, which is a polite way of saying that WWE creative didn’t really have anything for either guy to do, Marella and Kozlov have actually looked pretty good since winning the straps.

Now, everyone calm down, I didn’t say they were The Road Warriors or anything.

But, for the WWE, we can’t really hope for much more than the tired old formula of two mix-matched guys thrown together for the sake of a lousy, half-hearted push. When it comes to their tag team division, it’s par for the course.

My, how things have changed in this business.

Once upon a time, the National Wrestling Alliance not only featured the greatest singles wrestlers in the sport, its tag team division was second to none with The Rock n Roll Express, The Road Warriors, The Russians, The Midnight Express, The Minnesota Wrecking Crew.

These guys perfected the art of tag team wrestling, and gave Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and Ricky Steamboat a run for their money when it came to the best match on the card.

Man, where’s the Wayback Machine when you need it?

Of course, WWE hasn’t always neglected its tag team division.

Arguably the greatest era for tag team wrestling in WWE was 2000 to 2001. Three teams came together for a tag team war the likes of which had not been seen since the 1980’s NWA. Three teams redefined tag team wrestling in the business with three little words: tables, ladders, and chairs.

Edge and Christian. The Hardy Boyz. The Dudley Boyz. Three of the best tag teams of all time, blowing the roof off of arenas all over the country every week, each team pushing the other, bringing out the best in every man involved.

This was, without a doubt, a tag team renaissance, a great time for fans who yearned for a revival of the division.

These guys all understood their roles in the company, and fought to carve their names into wrestling history, next to the greatest teams ever. They also wanted to steal the show, and give fans something to remember.

Mission accomplished on both counts.

But with the focus shifted away from tag team wrestling in WWE, and TNA looking to grow as a company, the art of tag team wrestling now has a new pair of Rembrandts. Beer Money.

Yes, that was impossible to say without a smile.

The truth is, Beer Money works on a couple of different levels. One, because of Roode, who brings an intensity and ice-cold determination to his character and approach as a heel. Two, because of James Storm, because he’s funny as hell.

I love this guy. He is a riot, and every time he opens his mouth, or for that matter, just smiles at someone, it’s comedy gold. He makes the team, gives them a bad-boy edge that would make Jake Roberts jealous.

James Storm’s gimmick works so well because it’s so normal. He’s just a guy with a cowboy hat and dark glasses with a beer in his hand.

He looks less like a wrestler and more like the lead singer in a Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band. He plays the part so well, and is more comfortable in his gimmick than perhaps anyone in the promotion.

For me, Storm would be a star in either company, on any level.

Fortunately for fans, right now he is one half of TNA’s biggest tag team, Beer Money. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy this team and their work in the ring.

Aside from Storm’s comedy, the guy can work, and he is a great fit with Roode. Beer Money, in a lot of ways, is a throwback to the classic heel teams of the NWA.

They have the tough streak of The Minnesota Wrecking Crew, the finesse of The Midnight Express, and the swagger of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

And much like these three teams had memorable feuds with The Rock n Roll Express, Beer Money has had a momentous run against The Motor City Machine Guns.

The pace and tempo of the Guns, matched up against the fierce ground and pound of Beer Money, have made for some great moments in TNA. Both teams are working hard to own the night, every time they set foot in the ring.

That’s what tag team wrestling is all about, and I for one am glad to see it happening again. The only question I have is, how long will Beer Money stay together, before TNA creative, such as it is, decides to split them up?

It would be a shame if their run as one of the best teams in the company lasts only three years. Beer Money deserves to have a legacy, an opportunity to be considered among the all-time greats. But perhaps that is not meant to happen in TNA?

Considering that WWE gave up on its tag team division years ago, the chances of seeing Storm and Roode work for Vince appear to be slim to none.

But, if given a chance, I have to believe that not only would Beer Money make the best of it, they would do what they continue to do every week in TNA: steal the show.

It’s an interesting bit of speculation, when it comes to debating Beer Money’s place in tag team history. Perhaps it’s too soon for that. Perhaps as Storm and Roode continue to build their reputation week in and week out, we should just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Let the renaissance begin…again.

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Money where your mouth is by earthdog

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CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

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Money where your mouth is by earthdog

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CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

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CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

bench craft company

CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

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bench craft company

Money where your mouth is by earthdog

bench craft company
bench craft company

CBS <b>News</b> Restructures Management Team : TVBizwire : TVWeek <b>...</b>

CBS announced a number of changes today among the top management team for CBS News, with Jeff Fager taking over as chairman of the division, a newly created position. The company is also bringing in a new face, David Rhodes, ...

Olbermann to become “chief <b>news</b> officer” of Al Gore&#39;s cable <b>...</b>

First, Arianna Huffington gets $315 million from AOL for the HuffPo and winds up with editorial control of their entire content. Keith Olbermann gets … a nightly news show on an all-but-invisible cable channel and editorial control of ...

Breaking <b>news</b>: Obama quits smoking « Hot Air

Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. ... Breaking news: Obama quits smoking. Share. posted at 5:30 pm on February 8, 2011 by Allahpundit printer-friendly � He had to do it. If his system wasn't in peak shape, he'd never have been able to ...

bench craft company

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